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Data Governance- Technical Analyst L.M. Group Poland Sp. z o.o.

  • Białystok, podlaskie
  • 13-03-2023 , do końca 673 dni

Infosys jest jedną z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych marek outsourcingowych na świecie. Nasza firma ma swoje korzenie w Indiach, z kolei w Polsce działa od 2007 roku. Obszarami specjalizacji Infosys BPO Poland są: usługi finansowo-księgowe i zakupowe, zarządzanie bazami danych, obsługa procesów logistycznych, SAP. Obsługujemy także zaawansowane procesy biznesowe, związane na przykład z zarządzaniem ryzykiem, obsługą podatkową, a także doradztwem i konsultingiem. Warto dodać, że Infosys BPO Poland jest jednym z największych centrów z sektora nowoczesnych usług dla biznesu w Polsce.

You responsibilities:

  • Development, implement and enhance automated data quality assessments, compliance metrics and KPIs.
  • Creating, implement and enhance automated data profiling and integration of internal and external data sources required for effective governance.
  • Influence to identify data governance opportunities associated with business issues and risks and develop solutions to mitigate risk and improve efficiency.
  • Deeply knowledge to pro-actively identify critical or key master- and reference data elements associated with business issues to be included in the governance function.
  • Figure out business issues and risks from a system, process and control, and most importantly a data perspective.
  • Courage and enable accurate documentation of metadata, lineage, models, interfaces, transformations and other activity in the data life cycle with impact on risks associated with key data elements.
  • Promote and enable ongoing definition and implementation of data standards to mitigate risks associated with key data elements.
  • Advance multiple relationships across the organization and own team, based on authenticity and respect. Leverage networks across the organization, working with diverse teams so that the Data Governance function is credible and valued.
  • Advance multiple relationships across the organization and own team, based on authenticity and respect. Leverage networks across the organization, working with diverse teams so that the Data Governance function is credible and valued. Other parts of the business include IT, Finance, Data Privacy (GCO), Risk, Business Reporting Group, Service Lines Leaders, Area leadership, Talent Leadership
  • Activity beyond technical excellence aspects to provide insights including thought leadership, embedding leading practice methods and processes to deliver value from Data Governance function.
  • Produce key measurements that communicate governance performance, including KPIs, monthly achievements, project status and issues to be addressed
    Translate team priorities into actionable plans to meet strategic objectives of the Data Governance function.
  • Execute as the primary quality control analyst for all master data entities in the primary databases
  • Take a role as a contributor and subject area expert in the collaborative review of new data designs and development.
  • Provide expert knowledge through research and acquired business knowledge
  • Make a data management decisions that cannot be made easily or due to unresolved conflict
  • Given a business case and resource estimates for development work required for Governance processes and data quality profiling, monitoring and reporting

We require:

  • Good knowledge of SQL such as: designing and running scripts.
  • Favored experience in visualizing large data sets (Power BI, Tableau, Spotfire etc.) , but not a must.
  • Experience of working in a global professional services firm performing data management and/or governance, system integration, implementing data analytics, warehouse, MDM and/or BI solutions
  • Considerate for end-to-end data lifecycle requirements of key business processes.
  • Work experience with data quality, records management, security and privacy concepts, best practices, and tools/technologies.
  • Bachelor's degree in computer science or business administration or equivalent work experience

We offer:

  • Build a career in the multinational company
  • Possibilities to take part in international projects and gain experience with various businesses
  • Salary capable to your competencies
  • Set of social benefits to choose from
  • Training program

Prosimy o zamieszczenie na dokumentach aplikacyjnych następującej klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do prawidłowej realizacji procesów rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych z dn. 29.08.1979 (Dz.U. nr 133, poz. 883).

Szukasz pracy jako Data Governance- Technical Analyst

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Zachęcamy do złożenia Aplikacji na stanowisko Data Governance- Technical Analyst, praca w Białystok dopasowana do Twoich wymagań.L.M. Group Poland Sp. z o.o. praca.

Informacje o pracodawcy

L.M. Group Poland Sp. z o.o.

Praca Data Governance- Technical Analyst, Białystok

Oferta jest ważna jeszcze 673 dni

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Inne ogłoszenia pracodawcy

Cloud Solutions Specialist

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Białystok, podlaskie

Praca w mieście

Warszawa 1229
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